Saturday, January 23, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We hope you have a fantastic birthday honey!!!!
You're the greatest!!!
29 again???????????
We love you!!!!!!
Love, Jule, Brit and Bren

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Calla Update

Calla is currently in Life Care Center for three weeks to rest and hopefully get stronger. She seems to be improving some.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Get Well Soon Calla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Thursday, Jan 14, Calla suffered a major heart attack......where it was very up in the air if she'd survive or not.............An odd coincidence to have on her birthday of all days!!!! She was taken by ambulance to Lakeview hospital. They fixed the worst of the two arteries that were giving her a problem. They'll do the other one in a couple of weeks, when she'd stronger. This one is only 90% blocked (as opposed to 100%). The same doctor who worked on M. Russell Nelson of the 12, worked on her and did an excellent job! She is still in the hospital as of today, Sunday, Jan 17, but is expected to go home soon. This was totally unexpected, as she's had no previous heart problems. Get well Soon, Calla, our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome 2010!!

Well our New Year's Eve was very eventful! (Ha Ha).

First, there's Brennan, the life of the party!

Then, Brittany insisted on going to bed at her usual time of 9:30, but she agreed to pose for this beautiful picture of her before retiring. If you look close, you'll notice that the New Year's banner came with an extra "P" in Happy--hopefully this means that we'll have an extra happpy year!!

We had a great relaxing time, though, and we hope everyone has a fantastic New Year!!